The girlies and Ali woke me up with the smell of fresh coffee and happy birthday ringing from their lips! The girls had everything planned on how the pressie opening would happen, aand I just lay there and enjoyed their funny little ways! This is what makes them so special!
I was a very lucky lady with lots of lovely gifts. Ali gave me a £20 voucher for Scrapshed (Mmmm to enable a scrapbooking fix) and a Wii fit (though have to wait a wii while for it as it's out of stock every where!)
We managed to get the girls out for another walk through the glen and up to town where we went to Starbucks to enjoy probably the last gingerbread latte of the season ..... horror, they were out of gingerbread and I had to have the toffee nut! It was drinkable which can't be said for the Cherry Mocha (blah!!!). We then headed into Game and choose another game for the wii, didn't realise that we will need to re mortgage the house everytime we want a new game! But only having wii sport we thought we would like something else! We came home with the Madagascar 2 game and oh my goodness ... how much did we laugh ... especially the diving game! Hippos doing flips and twist. It was too funny!
The evening was spent watching a movie and more wii fun. Wii is addictive .... next week I will have to resist temptation not to go on it and complete each level .... I'll never get anything done!!
Can you imagine the conversation when Ali walks in from work next week ...
'So did you get a lot done today??'
'Oh yes I got to the end of level 3 and scored a perfect 10 in the hippo diving!!'
These holidays have to be my favourite, all of us at home together and having fun!
I need to get in the scraproom and start playing, there are a few things that need some work done on them and they are all exciting things!
Hope you have a great weekend
wii is great family fun, best place i found for games is argos, often 2 for £30.
have fun x
Aah Happy £! Birthday Beckie!!
I'm glad you had such a good day and Christmas!!
Happy Birthday Beckie!
I got myself a Wii for Christmas, and now I'm walking around as though I'm wearing a straight Jacket! Watch yourself.
Lots of love, Clare x
glad you had a great birthday quine, and I'm loving that new header - I really must get G to teach me how to use Photoshop.
Happy belated birthday Beckie!! I bought the family a wii for xmas, so much fun!! try carnival games and mario cart they are a real hoot!! wishing you a fab 2009 hugs mx
Belated birthday wishes and Happy New Year, x
How old !!!!! You don't look a day over %&! Love the new avatar by the way.
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