This weekend we have been having some glorious weather, even though it has been a wee bit cold! We put on the warm coats and headed out to collect conkers!

This is a childhood past time for me and DH and we were like kids again seeing who could find the champion!!

I created this layout below with another picture from a fabulous walk in the woods.
The papers are by My Little Shoebox and are from the Green collection. This is a fantastic collection for anything outdoorsie!
Hope you manage to get some fun photos at this time of year!
gorgeous LO Beckie - I remember we had the most enormous Horse Chestnut tree in our garden when I was growing up, it used to produce fab conkers. I remember ones as big as my fist (granted, my fist wasn't very big then lol)
see you Sunday
this brings back happy memories conker gathering as bairns! seems a lot of places have banned this due to health and safety!
love teen x
Wow this layout is so cute! I love the gorgeous photo too. I'm Australian, so I don't see those sorts of trees much... well maybe only at the Zoo or something. Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog re My Little Shoebox donut layout - coming from you I'm very flattered, as I read your stuff in Creativity! mag - you're famous! Thanks again and cheers,
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