..... Scrapping! Oh yeah!
It seems like an age that I have just sat down and created a layout where I could go flip diddly do with all the product.
I had heaps of fun creating this layout and remembering the memories that went with it ... but hey that's scrapping isn't it? Preserving those memories that when we come back and look at the page a little switch is triggered and the fun comes flying back!
I used some items that were left in May's Scrap Rats kit and teamed it with one of my favourite papers from Rusty Pickle, the alphabet letters are from Rusty Pickle too.

Back in April we took a trip up to Loch Ness as this wee lad was desperate to see the Loch Ness Monster. Anyone with little people will know how desperate he was to see Nessie. As we chugged up the loch we came to the Castle and I could see the sadness in his wee face that he hadn't found the monster.
But then out of no where, there she was Nessie in all her glory (thank goodness for the large log with green gunk on it, floating in the distance!!), his smile beamed from ear to ear and we were all taking photos so he could go and tell all his friends that he had seen the Loch Ness Monster!
It's little things like that, that make you smile inside.
I hope you find something to make you smile inside today! Have a good day!
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